A healthy work environment? Fit employees!

Koen van der Drift - November 18, 2021
DIQQ staff walking towards camera in Amsterdam with a tram in the background.

Employees who exercise are less likely to call in sick. This has been shown by research conducted by TNO in cooperation with NOC*NSF. It is therefore essential to keep your staff healthy. One way of doing this is by facilitating sports activities so you can create a healthy work environment. Curious to learn how we do it at DIQQ? Then read on.

Get fit in your lunch break

How often do you experience setting your alarm clock at 06:30 full of good intentions before you go to bed, but the following day you change your mind and decide to exercise 'tonight after work'? Once it's 6 pm, your colleagues are already having drinks, and you skip the workout after all. To be honest, it happens to me more often than I would like. But how do you solve this? At DIQQ, we offer employees the opportunity to take an hour and a half break instead of an hour and use this time to work out. Besides, all employees can take out a sports subscription at a reduced rate, for example, via OneFit. This way we create a healthy work environment.

Playing football on Tuesday

Is that all? Certainly not. We all love football at DIQQ. We enjoy watching matches on television and also playing them ourselves on the pitch or the Playstation. Every Tuesday night, we take part in the Power League. This is a 5-on-5 competition, where the goalkeeper has to stand in a circle (the size of the penalty area), and the rest of the players are not allowed to enter this circle. Every season, DIQQ is striving for first place, and after each game, everyone is welcome to join the third half in the canteen.

Marathon after marathon

The real die-hards have recently participated in the Amsterdam half marathon. You can see them in the photo. We trained for this together after each working day and successfully because everyone finished the marathon. On the 9th of January, we will be running the most challenging half marathon in the Netherlands, the Egmond Half Marathon. You run the first 8 kilometres on the beach, and then you run over and through the dunes to reach the finish. Will our team make it across the finish again this time? Will more people take part, or will colleagues drop out? Who knows?

The result of promoting excercise at work? At DIQQ, the sick leave and turnover are extremely low. Hence we can only confirm the research of NOC*NSF. In short, sports is the remedy for a healthy working atmosphere! Want to learn more about our DIQQ and our company culture? Feel free to contact us or read more here.

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